If you struggle with a combination of anxiety and procrastination, this article is for you.

Reading through the Gospels presents like an adventure novel. We watch Jesus’ great exploits unfold on the canvas of a developing movement of miracles, signs, and wonders. As Messiah, He is our inspiration and perfect example. Yet, when we encounter the promise that Christ’s Church would do greater works, it seems overwhelming in life and for times we were chosen to occupy (John 14:12).

We have the best intentions, desiring to do great with and for our Savior. Yet, we forget that God only expects us to be whom He’s created and do what He’s crafted our part to do in the Body.

Procrastination and Perspective

The role and responsibilities that He’s given us have already come accompanied by grace. As the treasure within, His Holy Spirit infuses supernatural power, equipping us for impossibilities that we couldn’t accomplish independently (2 Corinthians 4:7).

As rich as this promise is, anxiety sometimes confounds us when we go in our own strength, without God or good human support. As a result, we find ourselves weary and overwhelmed, though this is contrary to the Lord’s intentions. Instead of achieving from a place of soul rest, frustration causes us to set aside the vision we share with God, abandoning it altogether or postponing it for another time.

Although it is healthy to pause and regain perspective, anxiety about the future can fuel procrastination. It post-dates purpose-filled activities, replacing our faith for God-sized results and funnels fear into the what-ifs of failure. Procrastination partners with belief in a negative outcome.

Anxiety about what we fear becomes our reality, much like a self-fulfilling prophecy. We use our time to avoid acting decisively instead of investing in practices that reveal what the Father wants us to believe: that we are not only capable but also worthy of our calling.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. – Ephesians 4:1, NIV

Faith Works if You Work It

Our faith, even in the negative, has evidence in our works or lack thereof. If we don’t believe in what God has assigned to our hands, then who will? What fruit will our lives produce if we don’t cultivate what the Lord has planted in us?

The Holy Spirit will champion us, but He won’t override our daily decisions to divert our resources of time, energy, and attention from what God has called us into. We can make a choice, however, to respond to the Father’s love and investment. We can pursue what is in our hearts, whether it is a God-sized dream or an everyday task. This demonstrates faith by the work that we put into it (James 2:17-18).

God has already given us everything in Jesus. The Father surrendered His only Son as a sacrifice for our sins. It is up to us to esteem His good faith investment and respond with worship, our service, and our lives.

By faith, we honor what He’s given, investing our time and receiving the grace He liberally poured on us. He doesn’t condemn or shame us into action, but rather inspires and encourages us to employ all that He has equipped us with for every assignment and experience.

Jesus knows what we face, as He also encountered indescribable challenges during His time on earth. He didn’t sin in any of it and always prioritized the Will of the Father, no matter what surfaced. While we haven’t resisted sin to the same degree, we can say that Christ’s perfect example, the power of His name and shed blood, afford all we need for life and godliness.

In both the spiritual and practical realms, we can adopt the following “be” attitudes with the help of the Lord and a few select others.

Be Honest

Be honest about your struggle with anxiety and procrastination. Making up or constructing narratives that ignore the negative result you fear only recycles its presence and power. You aren’t the first or last to experience this spiritual, mental, and emotional wrestling match as a result of the adversary’s subtle influence.

The promise of Jesus remains constant; He is present, in and through everything you confront spiritually and naturally (Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 46:1). The King of Kings empowers you to address problems and potential issues, having conquered the dark forces that operate behind the anxiety that feeds procrastination (Colossians 2:15).

Free yourself from the notions of false religion that deceive humanity that one must “have it together” before coming to God for help. Satan would use this to persuade you to postpone not only salvation but the need for healing and deliverance in other areas.

There is nothing you can do to perform or earn what comes from the gift of God. He graces you to receive His goodness and abundant provision for whatever you need, whether for spiritual development or natural life. Awareness of and confessing weakness is what accelerates the power and authority of God to change you, and ultimately, the circumstances that contribute to where you are.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9, ESV

Be Proactive

Be proactive by initiating change, even if in micro pivots. Not only does belief inform your behaviors, but your action alters belief. Making steps, albeit small, in the direction of the desired outcome not only produces external results but internally shifts perception.

Moving forward in faith provides evidence and proves that the Father honors His Word. When you rely on Him to supply your natural and spiritual needs, He actively blesses the work assigned to your hands.

Action cancels the lie of limitation. It furnishes evidence that you are worthy and capable, not because you have achieved your goal, but because God is faithful.  While procrastination affords every opportunity for failure, you have the power to personally define success.

Jesus invested in your triumph by giving you His Spirit to empower and grace you for what you could only do with Him. Now, you can put it to work, by choosing to believe in yourself and prove it with each decisive, yet distinct step.

Be Accountable

Be accountable. Avoid underestimating the role that community plays in affirming your value. Having the right person or people in place to cheer you on is integral to gaining perspective and resuming the journey when you get weary or falter. Setbacks are part of the experience, but what makes the goal worthwhile isn’t simply the result you anticipate. It is the meaning you derive from shared experiences and the memories you collect that fuel faith for the next series of life rewards and challenges.

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up! – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NASB

Next Steps for Beating Procrastination

Wherever you are in your journey, there is no need to feel shame about where you haven’t achieved what you want to see in your life. Realize that the enemy attempts to use anxiety as an instrument to keep you cycling in procrastination and feeling frustrated.

God has called you to experience goodness as His son or daughter. Anxiety doesn’t have to be your permanent condition or the end of your hope. Seek out the support resources on this site and schedule time with a counselor to help you navigate the next steps forward. All that you need to pursue and achieve is available through the gift of grace that is already in your hands.


“Busted,” courtesy of Brett Jordan, Unsplash.com, CCO License; “Faith Can Move Mountains,” courtesy of Rachel McDermott, Unsplash.com, CCO License; “Tell the Truth,” courtesy of Claudio Schwarz, Unsplash.com, CCO License; “Progress,” courtesy of Hayley Murray, Unsplash.com, CCO License