Christian Counseling for Relationship Issues

Do you struggle to build satisfying connections with others? Are you unhappy in your friendships, or isolated from your coworkers? Is it difficult for you to trust others? All of us long for fulfilling relationships, but building and maintaining healthy, successful relationships can be difficult—and if you are struggling, you’re not alone.

Learn how to manage the symptoms that accompany Relationship Issues
by reaching out to one of our Christian counselors at
(425) 329-4464

Many attitudes can help you build your relationship into something mutually satisfying. One major key is—you each really must to start with yourself. Do you speak encouraging words? Are you friendly? Do you practice love and seek peace in all situations? Often we do not see how our words and actions affect others. These things can add to or take from your connection with your loved ones. At Mill Creek Christian Counseling, our counselors are trained to help you work through such relationship issues. Whether you are struggling with a particular relationship or simply want general advice about improving your interpersonal skills, we are here to offer support, encouragement, and guidance. Don’t hesitate–call us today to discover how you can develop lasting, meaningful relationships in your life!

Some of the most common signs of a problem relationship include: selfishness, insecurity, distrust, negativity, chronic misunderstanding, jealousy, and passive-aggressive behavior. Usually a problem relationship lacks reciprocity, meaning that one person will give more to the relationship than the other. The best measure of relational health is whether both persons involved are happy when they spend time with the other. Ultimately, a problem relationship leaves one or both persons feeling depleted and discontent. If you are stuck in a bad relationship, seek help today.

Do you struggle to build satisfying connections with others? Are you unhappy in your friendships, or isolated from your coworkers? Is it difficult for you to trust others? All of us long for fulfilling relationships, but building and maintaining healthy, successful relationships can be difficult—and if you are struggling, you’re not alone. We all face relational issues at some point in our lives. Fortunately, you can always take steps to overcome these issues: learning to negotiate relationships is an acquired skill, and we are here to help.

Successful relationships are founded on a mutual exchange of care, honesty, trust, and respect. In any relationship, conflict is inevitable, and learning to forgive and mend a damaged or broken relationship is an important part of life. The stress of a broken relationship can be debilitating, but if both parties are committed, healing is possible. At Mill Creek Christian Counseling, we have seen many wounded relationships restored, and our counselors are passionate about helping you discover relational healing.