Christian Counseling for Eating Disorders

Think for a moment about your relationship with food. Do you frequently worry about meals? Are you ever unable to stop eating, even beyond the point of feeling full? Do you sometimes starve yourself, induce vomiting, or take other drastic steps to lose weight? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have disordered eating habits that can lead to an eating disorder.

Learn how to manage the symptoms that accompany Eating Disorders
by reaching out to one of our Christian counselors at
(425) 329-4464

Think for a moment about your relationship with food. Do you frequently worry about meals? Are you ever unable to stop eating, even beyond the point of feeling full? Do you sometimes starve yourself, induce vomiting, or take other drastic steps to lose weight? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have disordered eating habits that can lead to an eating disorder. Persons with eating disorders have an abnormal relationship with food and body image; they are controlled by obsessive and unhealthy habits, thoughts, and behaviors. Anyone can suffer from an eating disorder: men, women, and, sadly, even children.

The three most common eating disorders are Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-Eating Disorder and Food Anxiety. People with Anorexia restrict food intake, even to the point of starvation, in order to keep body weight low. Bulimia is characterized by binging and purging – taking in excessive food and then inducing vomiting or taking laxatives. Persons suffering from Binge-Eating Disorder find it difficult or impossible to control food intake, eating to excess without purging. Food anxiety is a condition in which the sufferer has an extreme aversion or fear (phobia) about eating food. Most experts agree that biological, psychological, and environmental/social factors contribute to developing an eating disorder.

An untreated eating disorder can have long-term health effects, and in severe cases may even lead to death. Persons suffering from eating disorders should seek comprehensive treatment from both doctors and mental health professionals. Fortunately, counseling coupled with medical care has proven extremely effective for helping persons to overcome eating disorders. At Seattle Christian Counseling, our eating disorder experts offer professional psychotherapy that helps you explore the reasons for your disordered eating habits so that you can regain control over your relationship with food.

If you suffer from an eating disorder, your loved ones are most likely very worried about your health. Relationships are difficult to manage even without the emotional and physical complications of an eating disorder. When you eat either too much or too little, the body becomes exhausted from having to compensate for your unbalanced diet, and this will effect how you relate to others. It is difficult to care for others if you are not caring for yourself.