• : Author

    As a Christian counselor, I believe our relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as faith and biblical principles, serve as the foundation of the therapeutic alliance. Whether you are suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, or a clinical disorder, I provide a safe space in which you can identify and work through your presenting problems by using God’s Word and the power of prayer coupled with evidence-based practice as guidance. I am part of a multicultural family, and I work well with adults from various multicultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Please note I work exclusively with adults age 18 and older. I look forward to serving you as you see God move and transform your life!

  • : Curator

    Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging. Kate is also the host of Five Minute Friday, an online writing community that equips and encourages Christian writers, and the owner of Refine Services, a company that offers editing services. She and her South African husband have three young adult children and currently live in West Michigan. Find Kate’s books at katemotaung.com/books.

  • When you have bipolar behavior related to bipolar disorder, everyday life can feel like living on a rollercoaster over which you have zero control. Psychiatrists will prescribe mood stabilizers and recommend secular counseling, but for Christians, trusting in God throughout the healing journey can be vital to recovery. That’s especially true if you’re facing both the challenges of bipolar disorder and being in Christian ministry. There’s hope to be found when you work with a Christian Counselor to develop

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  • What is emotional well-being? There are a few different ways to define it, but Healthline describes three components of emotional wellness: Emotional attunement (identifying how you feel). Vulnerability (the ability to express your emotions). Authenticity (the capacity to share your feelings honestly). As you can see, two of the primary aspects of emotional well-being involve relating to others. When we are adept at emotional regulation and wellness, we can have healthier relationships and model well-being for others. We also

  • As we continue to navigate this world during a pandemic and adjust to changing rules and mandates, children and adolescents may be the hardest hit group of all. Data is already emerging that shows the detrimental impact of the pandemic on children’s mental health. The pandemic, and its ensuing consequences, will likely have long-term negative effects, possibly altering an entire generation’s mental health and way of life permanently. Children and adolescents have experienced increased stress every day during the

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  • Almost 40% of marriages end in divorce in America today. Another interesting area of research is the divorce rate for couples who did not date long before marriage. “A host of studies have found that a longer romance before marriage is linked to higher marital satisfaction and lower risk of divorce. One 2015 study in the journal Economic Inquiry, for example, found that couples who dated for one to two years were 20 percent less likely to later get

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a potentially debilitating disorder that causes repetitive and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive time-consuming rituals (compulsions) that are often distressing, debilitating, and life-altering. OCD is lifelong and occurs on a continuum with symptoms of OCD possibly increasing or decreasing throughout a person’s life. As a parent of a child or teen with symptoms of OCD, it can sometimes be frightening to watch your child suffer from this debilitating disorder. A natural reaction to such symptoms is

  • Depression in children is more common than most people think, and it was once believed that children were too developmentally and emotionally immature to suffer from depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), approximately 3.2%, or 1.9 million, of children and teens aged 3-17 years in the U.S. have been diagnosed with depression. Comorbidity, or having a simultaneous coexisting condition in addition to depression, is common among this age group. Common coexisting conditions include but