Kate Motaung : Curator
Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging. Kate is also the host of Five Minute Friday, an online writing community that equips and encourages Christian writers, and the owner of Refine Services, a company that offers editing services. She and her South African husband have three young adult children and currently live in West Michigan. Find Kate’s books at katemotaung.com/books.
Along with so many things affected by Covid-19, relationships have taken a substantial hit. Single people have struggled with an extreme amount of touch deprivation and even presence deprivation. Even those who aren’t single haven’t had the same amount of community available to them, and they are feeling lonelier than ever before. People are attending in-person church and other gatherings much less. Many students are doing online school, and workgroups are meeting over Zoom. Even counselors are seeing more
The television ads from the last half of the last century got it wrong – the idea was that our lives in the future (our present) would be far more leisurely. After all, with machines to help us wash our dishes, clean our clothes, and vacuum our floors, and with computers and other machines to take over menial tasks for us, surely, we’d have more time on our hands and find ourselves with loads of room for the joys
At some point in life, everyone will experience an underlying, lurking emotion called anxiety. Anxiety is defined as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” As we go forth conquering tasks day in and day out, the management and micromanagement of life’s events can become drudgery or weight. In the flesh, this proves challenging and can create a storm within. Perhaps you are already experiencing this. Some people
Emotional abuse, also referred to as psychological abuse, is often hidden from the public eye. Since this type of abuse doesn’t show with outward bodily bruises, it is harder for people to recognize. Adults in emotionally abusive relationships often have difficulty identifying the abuse until it has escalated. Children who want to please their parents are at a higher risk since they are less likely to ask for help. Whether you are caring for a child you suspect may
Whether you can voice them or not you entered marriage with expectations. You had a picture in your mind of what your marriage would look like. It may have reflected your parent’s marriage, or the marriages of close friends, your own hopes and dreams, or even TV and movie depictions of marriage. At some point, however, your expectations for marriage didn’t match reality. There was a gap between what you expected and the reality of your daily experience. When
Many go through life exhausted, craving rest for their physical body while others are longing for rest for their inner life, their soul (their mind and emotions). Still others are searching for spiritual rest and redemption, spiritual rebirth, and transformation. Jesus has invited you into a personal relationship with Him. A life-saving friendship you enter weary and heavy-hearted where you find deep, lasting peace and rest. It sounds too good to be true. Author and pastor, Dane Ortlund, in
What traits did you look for in a spouse before you got married? Or what are you looking for now? Is honesty an important characteristic to you? If not, it should be since it is one of the most foundational aspects of healthy relationships. Why? Because anything built on a lie isn’t made to last since it doesn’t provide security and comfort. Imagine you bought a house that you were told was sound. Then over the first few years
Though Western society pays closer attention to mental health and emotional health as a whole, many people still struggle to know what to do with their uncomfortable emotions. Maybe their family of origin didn’t teach them how to do this or maybe emotions were ignored, over-spiritualized, or treated as neutral. A person may not feel safe to express their feelings because bad things happened when they expressed them in the past. A person may avoid even facing their difficult
It’s a scary thought. Suddenly finding yourself disoriented in your own neighborhood unable to remember how to get home. Staring helplessly at one of your grandchildren unable to recall the first name. Everyone has moments of forgetfulness, but when should we consider it worrisome? When should you check with your physician about possible early onset dementia symptoms? Is there a way to slow down the progressive condition? Defining Dementia Dementia isn’t a one-size-fits-all condition. Dementia can be the symptom
When we think of anger in the Bible our thoughts first turn to that amazing scene of Christ overturning the tables of the money lenders in the temple (John 2 13-17). It wasn’t just a case of using holy ground to conduct business, but Jesus considered it a desecration and a sin and was rightly and righteously angry. Does this conflict with our view of how God acts, as well as how we need to manage our anger? When
Imagine that you are an artist, and your marriage is the canvas. If you want to create a piece of art, you must first realize that your canvas is unique. It does not need to be compared to those around you. It does not have to blend in with the crowd. A genuine and radiant piece of art is produced through a lot of sweat and dedication, but that demanding work pays off. It withstands the test of time.
Every season of has its own set of joys and challenges. Whether you are the parent of a newborn, middle-schooler, or young adult, you face constantly changing tides as you navigate your relationships, your child’s personality, and their wide variety of needs. Parenthood is an ever-winding road. It might feel like you are never just “coasting,” because there is always something new to see, learn, and discover. Robert Breault said, “Parenting is a stage of life’s journey where the