• : Author

    As a Christian counselor, I believe our relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as faith and biblical principles, serve as the foundation of the therapeutic alliance. Whether you are suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, or a clinical disorder, I provide a safe space in which you can identify and work through your presenting problems by using God’s Word and the power of prayer coupled with evidence-based practice as guidance. I am part of a multicultural family, and I work well with adults from various multicultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Please note I work exclusively with adults age 18 and older. I look forward to serving you as you see God move and transform your life!

  • : Curator

    Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging. Kate is also the host of Five Minute Friday, an online writing community that equips and encourages Christian writers, and the owner of Refine Services, a company that offers editing services. She and her South African husband have three young adult children and currently live in West Michigan. Find Kate’s books at katemotaung.com/books.

  • Each of us has different things that make us anxious, and we deal with those anxieties in various ways. Some anxieties are significant enough to impact how we live on a daily basis, and they may require the intervention of a trained Christian therapist and medications to help manage the anxiety. One tool that is afforded to believers is the Bible, and you can rely on what God says to assist you in overcoming struggles through Scriptures for anxiety.

  • Dating has myriad benefits. When you’re single, you date to get to know someone else. In the process, you also get to know yourself better, including your likes, dislikes, and priorities in a spouse and life. You learn how to communicate with another person, how to ask for what you want and need, how to say no and set boundaries, and how to express affection both publicly and in private. Dating continues to be important even after marriage as

  • Are you feeling depressed? Everyone feels depressed from time to time. Whether you’re dealing with situational depression (perhaps you got passed over for a promotion you worked hard for or caring for an ailing parent) or seasonal affective disorder, or chronic depression, depression hits everyone. God knows what you’re going through, God is ready to listen and to comfort you, and God provides resources to help you when you need it. Below are six Bible verses you can meditate

  • If you have a family member who is addicted to alcohol, you are probably dealing with many fears and frustrations every day. Alcohol dependence is a disease that affects not just the addict, but the entire family. Alcohol addiction creates complex problems within the family system. Often family members are too close to the problems to understand what can be done. As family members seek help for themselves, the situation can dramatically improve. Whether the alcoholic chooses to get

  • At some point in life, everyone will experience an underlying, lurking emotion called anxiety. Anxiety is defined as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” As we go forth conquering tasks day in and day out, the management and micromanagement of life’s events can become drudgery or weight. In the flesh, this proves challenging and can create a storm within. Perhaps you are already experiencing this. Some people

  • It’s a scary thought. Suddenly finding yourself disoriented in your own neighborhood unable to remember how to get home. Staring helplessly at one of your grandchildren unable to recall the first name. Everyone has moments of forgetfulness, but when should we consider it worrisome? When should you check with your physician about possible early onset dementia symptoms? Is there a way to slow down the progressive condition? Defining Dementia Dementia isn’t a one-size-fits-all condition. Dementia can be the symptom

  • It can come as a shock to us when we look in the mirror and realize we are growing older day by day. Our inner being may still feel like we are in our twenties or thirties, however, the outer shell might tell a different story. Whether you are forty or ninety, you can slow down the signs of aging with some healthy changes, both mentally and physically. Signs of Aging The aging process is a natural part of

  • When a couple gets together for the first time, it can be pure bliss. Though it is a very real possibility, the thought of infidelity invading their relationship often feels remote. In a national survey carried out in the US, about 25% of married men and around 15% of married women confirmed they had affairs involving sexual intercourse, with this number almost doubling if we include emotional affairs that didn’t have a physical component. So, infidelity is real, and

  • In today’s fast-paced world, we are encouraged to push harder, go further; succeed at all costs. This leads to stress, anxiety, and worry. The result is “burnout.” We think we’re not good enough; we cannot cope with it all. Life is just too hard, and we start to doubt our abilities. Below you will find eight Bible verses that will instill in you a sense of peace and wellbeing and help you to move closer to knowing how to

  • We were designed to flourish best in relationships with others. That’s one part of what it means when we say that human beings are social creatures. Being in relationships with other people can be deeply rewarding and fulfilling, and that makes sense given that the God who created us is relational. However, we must acknowledge another reality about relationships – they can also be deep wells of pain. To be in meaningful relationships with others is to be vulnerable.

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed in your work, relationships, responsibilities, or something else? The feeling of being overwhelmed is common in our fast-paced culture. But God is ready to help you when you feel overwhelmed. Bible Verses to Help When You Feel Overwhelmed It’s not enough just to cut things out of your schedule. You need help to manage your thoughts and emotions when you feel overwhelmed. A caring Christian counselor can help you prioritize your schedule, manage your emotions,

  • When we feel like we’re under threat, our bodies respond by activating our fight-or-flight response. Oxygen is diverted from the organs and is directed towards our muscles; our hearts beat faster to get that oxygenated blood to those muscles faster, and our breathing also changes. All these physiological responses allow our body to either stand and fight the threat we’re facing, or to flee from it. While our fight-or-flight response helps us as it helped our ancestors to face